Monday, June 22, 2009

DynCorp gets Blackwater's service contracts for U.S. diplomats in Iraq

DynCorp gets Blackwater's service contracts for U.S. diplomats in Iraq:

"The State Department has contracted DynCorp International to provide aviation and support services in Iraq. Under the award, DynCorp would replace the former Blackwater, which was the only major U.S. security contractor with an aviation fleet in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East.

'This award is a tremendously important opportunity for DynCorp International to support the safety and security of U.S. diplomatic personnel serving in Iraq,' DynCorp International chief executive officer William Ballhaus said.

In May 2009, DynCorp replaced Blackwater as the leading security contractor for the State Department. Blackwater, responsible for aviation services as well, was banned from operating in Iraq in wake of the prosecution of six former security officers linked to a shootout in Baghdad in 2007 in which 16 civilians were killed."


Keep Space For Peace Week, L-3 Communications, NY, NY 10/6/08